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is not class warfare, this is generational warfare. This administration and old
wealthy people have declared war on young people. That is the real war that is
going on here. And that is the war we've got to talk about." -- James

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night on the stop global warming college tour, Laurie and I would tell these great
young people that they have the power to do anything they want. That we all have
the power to create a movement for change. That the best part of ourselves is
the part that rises up instinctively from compassion. --
Sheryl Crow
| Every
night on the stop global warming college tour, Laurie and I would tell these great
young people that they have the power to do anything they want. That we all have
the power to create a movement for change. That the best part of ourselves is
the part that rises up instinctively from compassion. I believe this to be true.
I believe that divinity exists in all of us and that if we eliminate some of the
chatter in our lives, the voice of compassion will have a chance to be heard.
And, if we were to act from a place of compassion in every act of our lives, would
we be arguing about whether global warming exists? Or would we simply be living
our lives peacefully knowing that how we live will affect the planet we leave
for our children and for their children. If compassion was the motivating factor
behind all of our decisions, would our world not be a completely different place?
Food for thought. --
Sheryl Crow

can never stop and as older people, we have to learn how to take leadership from
the youth and I guess I would say that this is what I'm attempting to do right
now. -- Angela
younger, anyone can help. We've learned that our legislators listen, and people
with passionate and thoughtful concerns make a difference every day. We've had
constituents initiate legislation, lobby for it, organize meetings and events,
and, of course, call, mail, e-mail and visit legislators to express their views.
It's really great to see how much difference that individuals can make. --
Doris Day |
would so much like young people to have a sense of the gift that they are. Not
many of them feel like that." ~ John
Denver *
think the biggest problem in the world is that we have a generation of young people,
and maybe two, who don't think it's going to get any better." ~ John
Denver |
I was very young, biology, the diversity of life, was one of my main interests.
I know there's this image people have that I'm this spoiled, cocky punk of an
actor. Honestly, that's not who I am. I really care that so many species have
been wiped out, like genocide of entire races. I believe in the divine right of
all species to survive on this planet. So I decided I want to be active as an
environmentalist. I learned. I asked experts. I got active. ~ Leonardo
DiCaprio |  |
Too many people
grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They
forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize,
they treat children as inferiors. -- Walt Disney
live in an age when to be young and to be indifferent can be no longer synonymous.
We must prepare for the coming hour. The claims of the Future are represented
by suffering millions; and the Youth of a Nation are the trustees of Posterity.
-- Benjamin Disraeli
criticize what you can't understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your
command." -- Bob
Dylan |
live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of
maturity. -- Albert
Einstein | 
organizing for political rights will probably be treated initially with ridicule
and derision, and then with misunderstanding and perhaps eventually violence if
the experience of the struggle for women's suffrage is any precedent. Undoubtedly
the greatest obstacle to be overcome is the adult refusal to acknowledge that
children suffer political discrimination and exclusion. Adults do not perceive
children as a minority group but as helpless, inexperienced, defenseless young
people who need protection. Adult paternalism seeks to protect and if in this
process it curtails freedom, truncates potential and destroys civil liberties
this is taken to be incidental. The belief in the legitimacy of paternalism justifies
and cements the existing power relationships between adults and young people.
This attitude must be confronted, challenged and refuted if young people are to
secure their political rights..." -- Bob Franklin "The Rights of Children"
easy to become hopeless. So people must have hope: the human brain, the resilience
of nature, the energy of young people and the sort of inspiration that you see
from so many hundreds of people who tackle tasks that are impossible and never
give up and succeed. ~ Jane
| Age is
not an accomplishment, and youth is not a sin. -- Robert Heinlein

always been a big believer in equality. No one has ever been able to tell me I
couldn't do something because I was a girl.” -- Anne
Hathaway |

greater cause and what more splendid adventure can be set before the youth of
the world than the endeavor to bring into being that age-old dream of saints and
sages - the great Commonwealth of the World as the visible embodiment of the brotherhood
of man? -- Arthur
Henderson | Through
our great good fortune, in our youth our hearts were touched with fire. It was
given to us to learn at the outset that life is a profound and passionate thing.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes Blessed
are the young for they shall inherit the national debt. -- Herbert Clark
songs that I've written about Africa, and AIDS and HIV and about the power of
humanitarian love, those songs, I'm gonna sing them because I know that it's real."
-- India.Arie
"Our youth
are not failing the system; the system is failing our youth. Ironically, the very
youth who are being treated the worst are the young people who are going to lead
us out of this nightmare." -- Rachel Jackson
Most homeless kids are
on the streets because they have been forced by circumstances that cause them
to think that they are safer there than in any home they once knew. -- Jewel *
must all work together to end youth homelessness in America -- Jewel |
in a shelter or on the streets puts homeless kids and youth at a higher risk for
physical and sexual assault and abuse, physical illness, including HIV/AIDS --
Jewel Support
for shelters and transitional living and housing programs is necessary if we are
going to change the landscape for homeless boys and girls in America. -- Jewel What
I know about street outreach is that it is essential to dealing with the issue
of youth homelessness. -- Jewel
visited Oxfam-funded school programs in rural communities has made me realise
how vital education is to developing countries in bringing people out of poverty
and giving them a sense of dignity, self-worth and confidence." -- Scarlett
Johansson |  |
is no obstacle in the path of young people who are poor or members of minority
groups that hard work and preparation cannot cure.” -- Barbara
Jordan |
condemned them, our children, for seeking a different future. We hated them for
their flowers, for their love, and for their unmistakeable rejection of every
hideous, mistaken compromise that we had made throughout our hollow, money- bitten,
frightened, adult lives -- June
Jordan |

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have so much power to bring awareness, prevention and change. -- Ashley
Judd *
a Goodwill Ambassador for YouthAIDS, I’ve learned that the face of AIDS is increasingly
young and female. By educating young people and empowering them to make the right
choices we can stop the spread of HIV/AIDS |
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world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind,
a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over
timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease." -- Robert
F. Kennedy
"Few will
have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can
work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of
all those acts will be written the history of this generation."
-- Robert F. Kennedy
is a culture that we create by putting it in the curriculum for young people,
through creating this next generation where young people get a chance to go across
borders, across cultures, to learn more about each other's life, to create a global
community, learn about opportunities for helping others. It's investing in peace
and tolerance training, ending the gap between rich and poor." -- Craig
"If we
are to achieve true peace in this world, it shall have to
begin with the children."
-- Craig Kielburger
Give young people a chance, our generation may just surprise you! -- Marc
Kielburger *
we are to achieve a world free from nuclear weapons, we need the involvement of
young people. Youth have energy, enthusiasm and many good ideas to share. Most
importantly, however, it is young people who will be inheriting the problems which
have been left to them by the generations past. --
Marc Kielburger |
Struggle is a never
ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.
-- Coretta Scott
Commit yourself to the
noble struggle for human rights. You will make a greater person of yourself, a
greater nation of your country and a finer world to live in." --
Martin Luther King, Jr
Every one can be great
because everyone can serve. -- Martin
Luther King, Jr |  |
Whatever career
you may choose for yourself - doctor, lawyer, teacher - let me propose an avocation
to be pursued along with it. Become a dedicated fighter for civil rights. Make
it a central part of your life. It will make you a better doctor, a better lawyer,
a better teacher. It will enrich your spirit as nothing else possibly can. It
will give you that rare sense of nobility that can only spring from love and selflessly
helping your fellow man. Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble
struggle for human rights. You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater
nation of your country and a finer world to live in." --
Martin Luther King, Jr
"One of the great
liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through
great periods of social change. Every society has its protectors of status quo
and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through
revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to
adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change."
Martin Luther King, Jr
Nike says, just do it, that's a message of empowerment. Why aren't the rest of
us speaking to young people in a voice of inspiration? -- Naomi
Klein |  |

was surprised by the response of young people because there is a perception that
those younger than the 1988 generation are not interested in politics. --
Aung San Suu Kyi |
for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.