truth which has made us free will in the end make
us glad also. Every
outcry against the oppression of some people by
other people, or against what is morally hideous
is the affirmation of the principle that a human
being as such is not to be violated. A human being
is not to be handled as a tool but is to be respected
and revered.”
-- Felix Adler
human family is very diverse, with many different
beliefs and cultures and ways of life. Many conflicts
in our world are caused when people are intolerant
of the ways that others see the world. Learning
tolerance is an important cornerstone to creating
a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
must not only control the weapons that can kill
us, we must bridge the great disparities of wealth
and opportunity among the peoples of the world,
the vast majority of whom live in poverty without
hope, opportunity or choices in life. These conditions
are a breeding ground for division that can cause
a desperate people to resort to nuclear weapons
as a last resort. Our only hope lies in the power
of our love, generosity, tolerance and understanding
and our commitment to making the world a better
place for all...
-- Muhammad Ali
need to promote greater tolerance and understanding
among the peoples of the world. Nothing can be
more dangerous to our efforts to build peace and
development than a world divided along religious,
ethnic or cultural lines. In each nation, and
among all nations, we must work to promote unity
based on our shared humanity.”
– Kofi Annan
the day will come when color means nothing more than
skin tone, when religion is seen uniquely as a way to
speak one’s soul; when birth places have the weight
of a throw of the dice and all men are born free, when
understanding breeds love and brotherhood.
-- Josephine Baker
is thus tolerance that is the source of peace, and intolerance
that is the source of disorder and squabbling.
-- Pierre Bayle
your fellow human being, treat them fairly,
disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship,
explore your thoughts about one another candidly,
work together for a common goal and help one
another achieve it. No destructive lies. No
ridiculous fears. No debilitating anger.
-– Bill Bradley

modest, be respectful of others, try to understand.
-- Lakhdar Brahimi
In the globalized world that is ours, maybe we
are moving towards a global village, but that
global village brings in a lot of different people,
a lot of different ideas, lots of different backgrounds,
lots of different aspirations. I think respect
and understanding will help that village function
better than it does today.
-- Lakhdar Brahimi
is good for all, or it is good for none."
-- Edmund Burke
far you go in life depends on your being tender
with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic
with the striving and tolerant of the weak and
the strong. Because someday in life you will have
been all of these.
~ George Washington
the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best
-- 14th
Dalai Lama |
think tolerance is something everybody needs to be reminded
of, especially in a reactionary political world. Well,
actually, I should say, a reactionary political climate.
-- Bruce Davison
focus of tolerance education is to deal with the concept
of equality and fairness. We need to establish confidence
with children that there is more goodness than horror
in this world.
-- Morris Dees
teaches tolerance.
-- Benjamin Disraeli
diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue;
it makes it a requirement for survival."
~ René Dubos
tolerance, our world turns into hell.
-- Friedrich Durrenmatt
can lead to learning something.
-- Jakob Dylan
For Tolerance
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