know you have enough is to be rich.
-- Lao-Tzu, Tao Te Ching
content with what you have, rejoice in the way things
are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the
whole world belongs to you.
-- Lao Tzu
plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have
few desires.
-- Lao-Tzu, Tao Te Ching
have learned by some experience, by many examples, and
by the writings of countless others before me, also
occupied in the search, that certain environments, certain
modes of life, certain rules of conduct are more conducive
to inner and outer harmony than others. There are, in
fact, certain roads that one may follow. Simplification
of life is one of them.
-- Ann Morrow Lindbergh (Gift from the Sea)
trouble with simple living is that, though it can be
joyful, rich, and creative, it isn't simple.
-- Doris Janzen Longacre
character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme
excellence is simplicity.”
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated
simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.
-- Charles Mingus
physical clutter. More importantly, eliminate spiritual
--D.H. Mondfleur
can't force simplicity; but you can invite it in by
finding as much richness as possible in the few things
at hand. Simplicity doesn't mean meagerness but rather
a certain kind of richness, the fullness that appears
when we stop stuffing the world with things.
-- Thomas Moore
ordinary arts we practice every day at home are
of more importance to the soul than their simplicity
might suggest.
Thomas More |
nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful
or believe to be beautiful.
-- William Morris
of the advantages of being born in an affluent
society is that if one has any intelligence at
all, one will realize that having more and more
won't solve the problem, and happiness does not
lie in possessions, or even relationships: The
answer lies within ourselves. If we can't find
peace and happiness there, it's not going to come
from the outside.
-- Tenzin Palmo
involves unburdening your life, and living more lightly
with fewer distractions that interfere with a high quality
life, as defined uniquely by each individual. You will
find people living simply in large cities, rural areas
and everything in between.
-- Linda Breen Pierce
day, water, sun, moon, night -- I do not have to purchase
these things with money.
-- Plautus
is the nature of great souls.
-- Papa Ramadas
many people spend money they haven't earned, to
buy things they don't want, to impress people
they don't like.
-- Will Rogers
little simplification would be the first step
toward rational living, I think.
-- Eleanor
