often unsung heroes understand...that poverty,
disease and famine are just as deadly and destructive
as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis. Individuals
...are taking on these challenges in their communities,
volunteering to make a difference. They remain
the true champions of our work towards the Millennium
Development Goals."
-- Kofi Annan

is not in the United Nations that the Millennium Development
Goals will be achieved. They have to be achieved in
each of its Member States, by the joint efforts of their
governments and people."
-- Kofi Annan
Millennium Development Goals can be met by 2015, but
only if all involved break with business as usual and
dramatically accelerate and scale up action now."
-- Kofi Annan
World military spending has now risen to over
$1.2 trillion. This incredible sum represents
2.5 per cent of GDP(global gross domestic product).
Even if 1 per cent of it were redirected towards
development, the world would be much closer to
achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
-- Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon
the threat of global terror hanging over all
of us, there is only one path: to pursue the
Millennium Development Goals with fresh resolve
–confronting violence, bigotry and hatred with
the same determination that we attack the causes
from which they spring – conflict, ignorance,
poverty and disease. The world we seek, where
every child can grow to adulthood in health,
peace and dignity – in short, aworld fit for
children – has remained a dream formore years
than we can count. But we at UNICEF are convinced
that working together with committed partners,
and with an appropriate plan of action and a
commitment to resources, we can make that dream
a reality for each and every child on earth.”
-- Carol

we are to make significant progress on meeting these
Goals and stay true to the promise the world made to
build a better, fairer world for all, there is no time
to lose in putting in place the necessary policies and
resources needed to achieve these aims."
-- Kemal Dervis
Millennium Development Goals are owned by the people."
-- Eveline Herfkens "
am very pleased to have been invited by Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon to become a United Nations Messenger
of Peace. This is an opportunity to champion the
United Nations' Millennium goals in a meaningful
way. I look forward to being an advocate for the
cause, working both through my own community engagement
organizations and in collaboration with United Nations
-- Midori |

world leaders decide to [meet the Millennium Development
Goals], I think it can be done by 2015...The question
is, is there a political will to make this investment?"
-- Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director, UN Population
colleagues and I took a stand in our work several
years ago that we would not look for the magic
bullet, because there is none. These are just
basic problems requiring basic work. Nothing magic
about it." .”
-- Jeffrey Sachs

Development Goals