labor and poverty are inevitably bound together
and if you continue to use the labor of children
as the treatment for the social disease of poverty,
you will have both poverty and child labor to
the end of time.
-- Grace Abbott
first and continuing argument for the curtailment
of working hours and the raising of the minimum
age was that education was necessary in a democracy
and working children could not attend school.
-- Grace Abbott
you say fiscal responsibility, it seems to me that
you really mean rich people keeping their money.
-- Alice Adams
gives strength.
-- Aesop
although there are still sweatshops and other
inhumane working conditions for many workers
around the world, the labor movement has won
numerous victories that many of us take for
granted, such as the 5-day work week, 8-hour
work day, paid holidays and the end of child
-- Robert Alan

goes to two poles -- to those who've got the
money and those who've got the people.
-- Saul Alinksy
labor creates the wealth of the country, we
demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary
to protect it in all its rights."
-- John Peter
is the spirit that is back of all the great
struggles of the workers to improve their
working conditions. Liberty and freedom for
collective bargaining is what they want and
what they must have.
-- Mary
pay for women is a matter of simple justice.
-- Mary

the union, girls, and together say Equal Pay for
Equal Work.
-- Susan B. Anthony |

Unity there is strength; We can move mountains when
we're united and enjoy life --Without unity we are
victims. Stay united.
-- Bill Bailey
are not complaining about the work. We want to see
our hard work reflected in our pay.
-- Emmett J. Bogdon
are we going to make our livings in a society
becoming increasingly jobless because of hi-tech
and outsourcing? Where will we get the imagination
to recognize that for most of human history
the concept of Jobs didn’t even exist? Work,
as distinguished from Labor, was done to produce
needed goods and services, develop skills and
artistry, and nurture cooperation.
-- Grace Lee Boggs

best of wages will not compensate for excessively
long working hours which undermine heath.
-- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
most important word in the language of the working
class is "solidarity."
-- Harry Bridges
are asking people to understand that slavery
still exists today; in fact, according to a
recent New York Times article, if you count
the number of women and children in bonded labor,
domestic slavery or sexual slavery today, there
are more slaves in the world than at any other
time in history.”
-- Charlotte
quality of employees will be directly proportional
to the quality of life you maintain for them.
-- Charles E. Bryan
role of a labor union is to ensure that the balance
is not tipped in favor of the employer when employees
do not receive wages and benefits commensurate with
their contribution.
-- William Burrus
history of America has been largely created by the
deeds of its working people and their organizations--there
is scarcely an issue that is not influenced by labor’s
organized efforts or lack of them.
-- William Cahn, Labor historian

advance in this half-century-Social Security,
civil rights, Medicare, aid to education, one
after another-came with the support and leadership
of American Labor.
-- Jimmy Carter
strength of the movement is still something
that you will never see on camera, because it
doesn't happen at the big protests. But the
strength of this movement is rooted in the strength
of its components and of the campaigns of its
components. So there are farm movements around
the world; there are environmental movements
around the world; labor movements around the
world involved in daily struggles around living
wages, around protecting the rights of farmers
to their seeds, and so on. Those struggles continue
on a daily basis; they have not gone away.
-- John Cavanagh
doesn't seem to understand the importance of the human
-- Charles, Prince of Wales
people united will never be defeated.
-- Cesar Chavez
fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is
always about people.
-- Cesar Chavez
draw our strength from the very despair in which
we have been forced to live. We shall endure.
-- Cesar Chavez

Unions are the leading force for democratization
and progress.
-- Noam Chomsky

only thing workers have to bargain with is their skill
or their labor. Denied the right to withhold it as
a last resort, they become powerless. The strike is
therefore not a breakdown of collective bargaining-it
is the indispensable cornerstone of that process.
-- Paul Clark
you object to unfair treatment, you're an ingrate.
If you seek equity and fair consideration, you're
uppity. If you demand union security, you're un-American.
If you rebel against repressive management tactics,
they will lynch and scalp you. But if you are passive
and patient, they will take advantage of both.
-- Congressman William Clay, Sr.
tendency of taxation is to create a class of persons
who do not labor, to take from those who do labor
the produce of that labor, and to give it to those
who do not labor"
-- William Cobbett

is the first great problem of modern democracy...how
to get a fair living by reasonable hours of
work leaving enough leisure for both childhood
and manhood."
-- John R. Commons
superior person understands rightness; the inferior
person understands profit.
-- Confucius

is no labor a person does that is undignified;
if they do it right.
-- Bill Cosby
told Aristotle no one should make more than five times
the pay of the lowest member of society. J.P. Morgan
said 20 times. Jesus advocated a negative differential
-- that's why they killed him.
-- Graef Crystal