message I'll share...is that inclusion is extremely
important for kids with and without disabilities."
-- Clay Aiken
requires everyone to be in the circle – wholeness, inclusion."
-- Isabel Allende
on the principles of private initiative, entrepreneurship
and self-employment, underpinned by the values
of democracy, equality and solidarity, the co-operative
movement can help pave the way to a more just
and inclusive economic order"
-- Kofi Annan
Changing the structure and rules of the global
economy will require a mass movement based on
messages of compassion, justice, and equality,
as well as collaborative and democratic processes
... If we stay positive, inclusive, and democratic,
we have a truly historic opportunity to build
a global movement for social justice.
-- Medea Benjamin

need systems that are inclusive and driven by
them, systems that will enable them to respond
to their feelings and needs at any time."
-- Jeroo Billimoria
and it's tragic repercussions are inclusive of
all; surely a model for peace should strive for
such inclusiveness."
~ Prince Hassan
bin Talal
us continue to strive together for a more inclusive,
democratic, and peaceful future for us all.
-- Fernando Cardoso
important to recognize that expanding the circle of
and increasing the democratic potential of our own society,
as well as those across the world, is a continuing process
of inclusion."
-- Hillary Rodham Clinton
cannot eradicate violence if we do not build strong,
inclusive communities."
-- Hillary Rodham Clinton
concept of the public welfare is broad and inclusive
... the values it represents are spiritual as
well as physical, aesthetic as well as monetary.
It is within the power of the legislature to determine
that the community should be beautiful as well
as healthy, spacious as well as clean, well balanced
as well as carefully patroled."
~ Justice
William O. Douglas
works to the advantage of everyone.
We all have things to learn and we all have something
to teach."
-- Helen Henderson
everyone is included, everyone wins."
-- Jesse Jackson
is not a matter of political correctness. It
is the key to growth.”
-- Jesse Jackson
premise is that inclusion leads to growth. So
for those who are locked out, they lose development,
and those who are in power lose market and growth."
-- Jesse Jackson
way to be successful is find a way to be inclusive of
everybody that lives in a targeted area.
It's the difference between an attitude that looks at
and assumes you can be successful despite it,
versus an attitude that looks at diversity and assumes
you can be successful as a result of it."
-- "Magic" Johnson
a society, we’ve learned that we’re all better off
when everyone is included in the opportunities of this
great nation.
-- Ted Kennedy
you want a strong society, it has to be inclusive.
If you have to push a boulder up a hill, do you want
10 people or 100?
If you weed out colour or gender, you get 10."
-- Cyndi Lauper
growing use of biofuel will be an inestimable
contribution to the generation of income, social
inclusion and reduction of poverty in many poor
countries of the world."
-- Luiz Lula da Silva

are less when we don't include everyone."
-- Stuart Milk
philosophy of jazz represents tolerance, teamwork and
That's what America is about. The music reflects that."
-- Thelonious Monk Jr.
are at a time in our country's history that inclusive
language is better than exclusive language."
-- Barack Obama
should be a model of inclusion."
-- Governor David Paterson
is not a strategy to help people fit into the systems
and structures which exist in our societies;
it is about transforming those systems and structures
to make it better for everyone.
Inclusion is about creating a better world for everyone."
-- Diane Richler, President, Inclusion International
killing and hatred will only stop when we enlarge
our personal, national, and international circles
of concern to include all six billion people on
this planet: not just the white ones, Christian
ones, American ones, female ones, or any ones. Simply
put: every one."
-- Cindy Sheehan
creates a relationship and cultural context where peace
can flourish."
-- Judith Snow, Founder, International Association for
Inclusive Citizenship
can enhance growth by increasing inclusiveness.
A country's most valuable resource is its people.
So it is essential to ensure that everyone can live
up to their potential,
which requires educational opportunities for all."
-- Joseph Stiglitz