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conservation is the foundation of energy independence.
-- Thomas H. Allen
"A true conservationist is a man who knows that
the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed
from his children."
~ John James Audubon
do need a 'new economy,' but one that is founded
on thrift and care, on saving and conserving,
not on excess and waste. An economy based on waste
is inherently and hopelessly violent, and war
is its inevitable by-product. We need a peaceable
~ Wendell
most unhappy thing about conservation is that it
is never permanent. Save a priceless woodland or
an irreplaceable mountain today, and tomorrow it
is threatened from another quarter."
~ Hal Borland |
Grassroots groups challenge the "business-as-usual"
environmentalism that is generally practiced by
the more privileged wildlife-and conservation-oriented
groups. The focus of activists of color and their
constituents reflects their life experiences of
social, economic, and political disenfranchisement.
-- Robert Bullard
Because we are now running out of gas and oil,
we must prepare quickly for a third change,
to strict conservation and to the use of ...
permanent renewable energy sources, like solar
~ Jimmy Carter
the end, we conserve only what we love. We will
love only what we understand. We will understand
only what we are taught."
~ Baba Dioum, Senegalese poet |
most unhappy thing about conservation is that it
is never permanent. If we save a priceless woodland
today, it is threatened from another quarter tomorrow."
~ Marjory Stoneman Douglas |
earth will continue to regenerate its life sources
only as long as we and all the peoples of the world
do our part to conserve its natural resources. It
is a responsibility which every human being shares.
Through voluntary action, each of us can join in
building a productive land in harmony with nature."
~ Gerald Ford |
would be very little point in my exhausting myself
and other conservationist themselves in trying
to protect animals and habitats if we weren’t
at the same time raising young people to be better
~ Jane Goodall
knowing it, we utilize hundreds of products each
day that owe their origin to wild animals and plants.
Indeed our welfare is intimately tied up with the
welfare of wildlife. Well may conservationists proclaim
that by saving the lives of wild species, we may
be saving our own."
- Norman Myers |
purpose of conservation: The greatest good to the
greatest number of people for the longest time."
~ Gifford Pinchot, first Director of the U.S. Forest
Service |
...conservation of land and conservation of
people frequently go hand in hand.
-- Eleanor

there is any one duty which more than another
we owe it to our children and our children's children
to perform at once, it is to save the forests
of this country, for they constitute the first
and most important element in the conservation
of the natural resources of this country.
-- Theodore
means of trees, wildlife could be conserved, pollution
decreased and the beauty of our landscapes enhanced.
This is the way, or at least one of the ways,
to spiritual, moral, and cultural regeneration.
~ E.F. Schumacher
conservationist's most Important task, if we are
to save the earth, is to educate."
~ Peter Scott, founder chairman of the World Wildlife
Federation |
"The primary threat to nature and people today
comes from centralising and monopolising power
and control. Not until diversity is made the logic
of production will there be a chance for sustainability,
justice and peace. Cultivating and conserving
diversity is no luxury in our times: it is a survival
~ Vandana Shiva
A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would
cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump
and make a speech for conservation.
-- Adlai Stevenson
spaced earth-sheltered towns offer sweeping views
over the plains. High-speed trains link the communities.
Food is grown in the region. Bikeways are everywhere.
Nonpolluting hydrogen powers all vehicles. Sunlight
and wind generate the hydrogen. Note the earth-covered
bridges, the continuous window bands, the wind machines
across the farmlands. In this new America, everything
is reused, recycled, conserved."
-- Malcolm Wells |