if it matters to you, I think it is less important that
we agree and more important that we learn to disagree with
respect. Let's not expect to agree and get frustrated when
it doesn't happen. Let's strive to hear each other out while
bringing out the best in ourselves and others. I know it's
difficult because I feel it everyday. But I also know it'll
be good for us as individuals, for the organization, and
the country. I invite you to strive with me and help shift
our culture.
us be clear about our choice. When we raise taxes on the
wealthiest Americans, no one dies. When we cut Social Security
and Medicare, people die.
we do have an entitlement problem: some feel so entitled
to power & wealth that tehy're willing to undermine our
economy and our democracy.
we stop the McCarthy-era hysteria about socialism, communism,
and Marxism? The red scare propaganda needs to be discarded
into the dustbin of history. Our greatest problem today
is ruthless crony capitalism posing as freedom. Many of
us are a paycheck or two away from poverty. Many of us are
already in poverty with weekly paychecks. Let's try to get
some perspective.
I don't
think "income inequality" is the right phrase. Really, what's
happening is impoverishment and political marginalization
of the majority of people, and criminalization of the already
impoverished. If we don't stand up now, soon enough, the
majority of us will be criminalized. What is happening and
has been happening to the black community will eventually
happen to the majority. The writing is on the wall. In the
game of musical chairs that is our political and economic
system, the plutocrats will always have a seat and the rest
of us will be out. The time is running out for us to put
up an effective fight to dismantle plutocracy. If we don't
build a massive movement and elect someone like FDR, we're
in trouble.