people feel drawn to advocate for animals because even though
they can feel pain and suffer just as we do, they do not have
a way to advocate for their own welfare. In fact, animals are
viewed by many as nothing more than property to be treated however
the owner wishes. This view has created an inhumane situation
for billions of animals that share our world.
many of the world's 60 billion farm animals are not treated humanely
80% of the world's 1 billion cats and dogs are stray or neglected
millions of wild animals are killed or sold illegally on the black
market worth $10 billion a year
animals suffer greatly and are often forgotten during natural
Animal Day is a time to celebrate and appreciate our relationship
with the animals that share our planet and the ways in which they
enrich our lives. It is also an important opportunity to speak
out to ensure the humane treatment of farm animals and to advocate
for protection of the habitats that are home to wild animals.
It was started in 1931
by ecologists in Florence who wished to bring attention to the
plight of endangered animals. October 4 was chosen because it
is the Feast Day of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals.
Today World Animal Day is observed in countries throughout the
can you do to help animals? One of the most powerful ways to make
a difference is to become a vegetarian, which helps save animals,
helps the ecology of the planet and can improve your health. Another
thing you can do is stop buying things make from animals like
leather and fur - in most cases there are many plant or synthetic
alternatives. Don't buy household and personal products tested
on animals. Get involved in or contribute to local animal rights
and animal welfare organizations. More than 1.5 million people
have also signed the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare
which is an international agreement "among people and nations
to recognize that animals are sentient beings and can suffer,
to respect their welfare needs, and to end animal cruelty."
You can sign online at
Farm Animals Day is observed on October 2 as another day to
mobilize around the humane treatment of farm animals, and Vegetarian
Day on October 1 is a chance to educate our communities about
the benefits provided by an animal-free diet.

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